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Interesting factors about Tinea Cruris (Jock itch)

Tinea Crusis is a skin disease and mostly experienced by the adults on their genitals, inner thigh and buttocks. This condition is mostly experienced by athletes. And this condition is also famous as jock itch name – a fungal infection of the skin. Tinea is a group of fungal skin infection and caused by the fungi also known as dermatophytes. This medical condition is not harmless but grows very quickly and causes infection. The treatment of this condition is possible with the help of medical creams and oral medications. You need to treat this condition in the early stage to prevent the infection from spreading.

Symptoms of Tinea Cruris

Here are the common symptoms of Tinea Cruris which easily help to identify this condition.

Redness and Itching

Burning sensation

Skin Color changes

Rash, flaking and peeling

Normally with the naked eye, the mark on the skin look like ringworm

How this condition is developed?

There are many answers of this question but I will explain to you most common ways to get infected from this condition.

Wearing tight clothes always irritate the skin and enhance the risk of developing this condition.

Sweating – A lots of sweating in the groin
Wearing wet clothes for a long time.

Contact with a person who already infected.

Treatment of this fungal infection

In most cases, the treatment of this infection is possible by caring and applying the antifungal cream. If you still fail to treat this condition within two weeks with home treatment then you can approach a professional dermatologist. Mostly home treatment is very effective only in the early stage of Tinea cruris. I will suggest you consult with the doctor first to prevent the growth of this fungal skin disease.

In-Home treatment, you can apply the antifungal cream on the infected skin. Keep the infected area clean and dry before wearing clothes. Always change undergarments daily to prevent fungal infection.

In Medical Treatment, your doctor may prescribe oral medications with an antifungal cream. These medications have unpleasant side effects so always take medications after consulting doctor.

How to Prevent Tinea Cruris?

Good hygiene habit is the best way to prevent jock itch. You need to wash your hand regularly to prevent the risk of this fungal infection. Always wear dry clothes after bathing which reduce the risk of moisture that helps in the fungal infection growth.